In part two of his article, Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon
puts forward a multi-pronged approach that can be adopted to reach the
goal of improved English literacy among Malaysians. Reintroduction of
English-medium schools along the lines of private and international
schools but affordable to a larger segment of the population is one of
the options.
WITH the Education Blueprint currently being
finalised, there remains an excellent window of opportunity to re-chart
our course for the future. At the primary school level where parental
choice is significant, it appears that the dream of a national school
where students of different races come together at age seven is more
unattainable than it was in 1970.
In 1970, almost a third of the
students were enrolled in English-medium schools which were ethnically
mixed and growing in significance in terms of share vis a vis other language medium schools before the policy was abruptly changed.
forward to present day and it is patently obvious that after four
decades of implementation of the policy, our primary schools have become
more ethnically separated – statistics on student enrolment in national
schools reveal that 94% of the students are Malay and 96% of Chinese
parents now enrol their children in Chinese schools, up from 50% in
Mother tongue
Ironically, it is the Chinese
vernacular schools which are now the most ethnically mixed, with a good
9% from the Malay community and 3% from Indians and others.
For a
large and growing proportion of Malaysian families, English has and
remains the effective language of communication to the extent that it
has become a mother tongue. Such families no longer speak their ethnic
Much has been said about the pursuit of national unity through the study and use of a common language, Bahasa Malaysia (BM).
this does not and cannot mean that learning and pursuing knowledge in
languages other than BM will erode national integration efforts,
patriotism or make us less Malaysian.
Virtually all our past and
present prime ministers were educated in English-medium schools. In
fact, the current Minister of Education I and II went through
English-medium schools and universities. They are certainly not less
nationalistic on account of that experience. On the contrary, they are
more confident and accomplished on the Malaysian and international stage
because of it.
By bringing back the option of English-medium
schools, teaching not only science and maths but other subjects like
geography and literature in English will allow us to tap into
world-class curricula, textbooks and, more importantly in this Internet
age, enhance access to virtually unlimited storehouses of up-to-date
knowledge which are predominantly in the English language.
such schools, BM should be taught intensively as a compulsory subject to
enable students from English-medium schools to take and pass the same
Form Five BM paper as their counterparts in the national schools. This
ensures all attain the same competency in the national language while
allowing students to be more proficient in English and able to engage
fully with the world.
An independent survey undertaken in April
2012 by Introspek Asia revealed that 26% of Malaysians “always, most of
the time and sometimes” speak English to their children. For this large
group of people, English is effectively their mother tongue.
argument therefore is that this English-speaking multiracial group
comprising 23% to 26% of the population should be allowed the option of
sending their children to English-medium schools.
this option already exists for the higher income families who can afford
the English-medium private and international schools in the country.
this option is not available to the vast majority of parents of all
races who would like their children to benefit from an English-medium
school education as a means to enhancing their upward social mobility
just because they could not afford it.
Closing the divide
has contributed to widening the performance divide between students in
the rural-urban areas and household income categories and the government
should step in to provide this option to level the playing field.
attempt to improve English proficiency must take cognisance of the fact
that international research has shown that at least 60% immersion in
English and subjects is necessary for full English proficiency to take
root, and this can best be done in an English-medium school.
English as a subject and devoting only 10% to 15% of the teaching hours
to English may be inadequate in building English operational
proficiency (as acknowledged in the 2012 Blueprint p. 4 to 9).
least 60% immersion is necessary to raise the level of English
proficiency among students, and ensure that children from the lower
income households are not deprived of the opportunities enjoyed by
students schooled in private and/or international schools.
Expand opportunities
a programme to increase English immersion cannot be identical for each
of the 10,000 schools in the country, given varying capabilities to
implement the programme.
What is clear is the country’s wish to reclaim lost ground in English language proficiency.
have been identified to measure outcomes, for example, the official
target of making English a compulsory must pass subject by 2016 and the
announced goal of achieving 70% pass with credit in the Cambridge 1119
English language examination paper by 2025.
We need to do things radically different if we are to attain these goals.
There has to be a multi-pronged approach to reach the goal of improved English literacy amongst Malaysians.
the end of last year, the Ministry ascertained that the majority of the
70,000 English language teachers do not have the necessary skills level
to teach in English and have set in place a series of programmes to
upskill them. This is a basic requirement that has to be done but this
process will take time.
In the meantime, while the upskilling
process is going on, to increase the pool of teachers we need to call
upon retirees who can teach in English – there are 400,000 teachers and
3% of them retire every year – i.e 12,000 a year.
If we consider
that teachers between the ages of 55 and 70 can still teach effectively,
the total number of retired teachers would be 180,000 in that age group
and if only 10% were capable of teaching in English, there is a pool of
18,000 to call back to active duty.
We should offer them full
pay and at the same time, they would continue to draw their pension
(approximately 60%), and this would mean that they would take home a
total of about 160% of their last drawn salary.
This is very
different from the pre-2005 days when teachers were offered to work
beyond retirement at the same pay as then they would be working for only
40% of their salary since their pension would be paid anyway, and that
is the reason why not many would want to extend beyond their retirement
There are also thousands of other retirees who are fluent in
English but were not teachers. On a short course basis, it must be
possible to call upon some of them to be teachers in English in this
national effort.
In addition, flexible working arrangements like
part-time work can also attract mid-career mothers who have left the
workplace because they could not do a full-time job.
dramatically increased the supply and pool of English teachers using the
above, we need to apply the immersion method of English learning
through three channels:
1. National Schools: Increase the contact time in English from the current 15% to 40% or more in stages over the next few years.
and activities to be conducted in English in addition to Bahasa
Malaysia. Progressively add subjects to be taught in English to raise
the contact time in English
Using textbooks, if necessary from
other English-speaking countries, we can quickly add subjects to be
taught in English progressively until we reach 40%.
The time
spent in English in national schools to be dramatically raised, and to
work out the resources to be applied to reach those targets and not the
other way round.
2. Some national schools are, however, more
ready to take off in the English language than others. For example,
high-performing schools and some mission schools, which have quicker
access to retired teachers who can come back to teach in English.
Model schools
schools are to be given increased autonomy to adopt international
curriculum and assessments. Bahasa Malaysia will continue to be a
compulsory subject and taught intensively. Given their capacity to
implement faster, they could become model schools in a pilot project
that could be extended to other schools later.
3. Re-introduce
English-medium schools as an option along the lines of private and
international schools but affordable to a larger segment of the
population. These schools teach in English for most subjects but offer
Bahasa Malaysia as a compulsory subject.
Using a multi-pronged
approach, we have a chance to achieve the goal of having 70% of our
schoolchildren attain a credit pass in Cambridge 1119 English by 2025.
importantly, it allows for our students to quickly tap into all the
knowledge available in the Internet, which is primarily in English.
is proposed that a detailed programme of engagement be worked out,
starting with a survey both in the urban and rural areas among parents
of students in existing schools as well as parents of children about to
enter the schooling system. This survey should gather data by postcode
location on whether parents would send their children to English-medium
education if given the choice.
With the survey results, the
government can assess the size of the demand for English schools and
make the necessary plans to satisfy it at least through a pilot
The results of the pilot study will provide
government with better policy-making inputs on the potential outcomes
that can be expected from such schools in terms of ethnic integration,
achievement rates and
proficiency in English moving forward.
addition, the results, if positive, will also serve to soften the hard
stance of those opposed to a change in the policy that may be long
overdue. We owe it to our children and grandchildren of all races to see
this through.
> Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon is managing director
of Royal Selangor and President of the Federation of Malaysian
Manufacturers. He also serves on the boards of EPF, MIDA and Matrade.
Related posts:
Right, Bring back English schools would be a smart move for Malaysians
Winning education, America and China!
Beware of Malaysian Chinese school leavers being lured into dubious degree and diploma programs !
English language in Malaysia in dire straits!
'Poke-eye' Melayu English blunder, Mindef blames ...
“Clothes that poke eye”, Melayu English; Lost in ...
'Poke eye' Melayu English in many public institutions ...
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Sunday, June 30, 2013
Charting the way forward for English-medium schools in Malaysia
There has been much talk about English-medium schools in recent
days. The end of English-medium schools came abruptly with little or no
discussion during troubling times. Now may well be the time for
discourse on such schools.
Over the past few weeks, many articles and letters have been published on the desirability of reintroducing English-medium schools in Malaysia. Those among us who were schooled in the 50s and 60s often reminisce with fondness and nostalgia about the good times we shared with friends of all races.
We also recall the many devoted teachers who “terrified” us but yet earned our highest respect, so well portrayed by Lat in his cartoons in the characters of Mr Singh, Tuan Syed and Mrs Hew.
Students then identified strongly with their schools and healthy inter-school rivalry contributed to raising not just academic standards but the standard of sports and other extra-curricular activities, including inter-school debates.
Looking back, it is easy to see why so many of us recall our schooling days with such fond memories and wish to revisit those days of old.
In looking back, it is important to get a sense of how multiracial schools were then and the significant role played by English-medium schools in bringing us together as Malaysians before such schools were phased out from 1970.
Statistics are difficult to come by but there is a gem of a publication entitled Educational Statistics of Malaysia 1938 to 1967 published by the Educational Planning and Research Division of the Ministry of Education Malaysia in 1967 which is available online at
Also included was an important graph charting the enrolment of students in assisted schools between 1947 and 1967 (see chart).
It is clear from the chart that enrolment in the English-medium schools enjoyed the highest rate of growth among the language streams and would have become the largest group of schools in the country if the policy had not been abruptly changed in 1970.
Suffice to say that by 1967, English-medium schools accounted for 33.8% of all students in the country, Malay-medium schools 40.3%, Chinese-medium schools 21.4% and Tamil-medium schools 4.5%.
It is also useful to recall that parents were allowed, then, to choose the language stream of the schools they enrolled their children in.
As no statistics were available on the racial breakdown of students in the English-medium schools, a close approximation was made by dividing the total population of students in 1967 according to the racial composition of each group in that year and subtracting the number of students already enrolled in their respective language medium schools.
The balance is a realistic approximation of students enrolled in the English-medium schools. Using this method of approximation, the English-medium schools had attracted a healthy racial mix of approximately 34.6% Malay, Chinese 43.1%, 16.4% Indian and 5.9% “other” students. (see chart 2)
At the secondary school level, English-medium schools, administered by both the government as well as mission schools were by far, the most popular type of schools, attracting more students than any of the other language streams, a choice made by the majority of parents throughout the country.
Students followed a curriculum used worldwide and textbooks in English that were carefully selected and graded in complexity through years of use and fine-tuning.
Students then sat for examinations that were internationally graded and recognised as the “O” Levels of the Cambridge Examination Board. Such students later went on to assume important positions in all sectors of the economy – the government, bureaucracy, academia and the private sector.
The landscape, however, changed radically after the May 10, 1969 general election and the riots of May 13. Amid the uncertainty and following the trauma of the events, the then newly appointed Education Minister, Datuk Abdul Rahman Yaacob, only two months into the job, and with little if any consultation, announced a new policy.
The policy was that from 1970, English-medium schools would cease to exist and remaining students in English language-medium schools would be phased out over the next 11 years until they completed Form Five in 1982.
This radical decision saw the beginning of the gradual erosion of the strong English language foundation, a competitive edge that Malaysia had enjoyed over its neighbouring countries for decades.
Along with the removal of English- medium schools, a number of serious problems emerged in the education system, including low achievement rates in science, mathematics and reasoning as evidenced in Malaysia’s low PISA and TIMSS scores, the employability of graduates and their relative competitiveness in an increasingly globalised world.
It is no mere coincidence that the top 10 scorers are from the OECD countries and Asian tigers, and if we are to achieve sustainable high income status in the future, our scores in these benchmarks have to be improved.
We are heartened by the current national dialogue taking place over the drafting and finalisation of the National Education Blueprint. Various interest groups and stakeholders have been consulted, including right up to the Council of Rulers, and rightly so given the special place that education has in the heart of every parent and central to the competitiveness of a nation.
Contrast this consultation with the overnight decision then to abandon English as the medium of instruction – a decision taken whilst the country was caught in the immediate aftermath of the May 13 riots where many people were killed and cars and shophouses were burnt and the priority then was security and bringing back life to normalcy.
We will leave it to researchers and insiders at the ministry at that time to reveal the reasons for this sudden promulgation of a policy that had such a long term negative impact on our competitiveness.
We only know, for example, that veteran politician Dr Goh Cheng Teik wrote in December 1970 in his book The May Thirteenth Incident and Democracy in Malaysia that the radical educational policy change in 1969 was made without the knowledge or authorisation of then Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Referring to the same issue, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his book Doctor in the House wrote, “Out of the blue, Tun Rahman Yaacob announced that all government secondary schools and government-aided schools would become National Secondary Schools where the teaching would be in Malay. Schools in Sarawak and Sabah, however would be exempted. His decision made Tun Rahman very popular with the Malays, particularly Malay university students, but the move had a political rather than an academic agenda.”
It is not too late in the day to revisit the issue of English-medium schools – this time not under the shadow of the events that occurred in May and June 1969, but in the light and with the benefit of the knowledge and experience that we have accumulated over the past 44 years.
We owe it to ourselves to have this serious conversation on the way forward for education, the bedrock for maximising the potential of all citizens and enhancing the competitiveness of our nation in these globally challenging times, especially with the advent of this Internet age.
Related posts:
Right ways to boost teaching of English in Malaysia
Right, Bring back English schools would be a smart move for Malaysians
Winning education, America and China!
Beware of Malaysian Chinese school leavers being lured into dubious degree and diploma programs !
English language in Malaysia in dire straits!
'Poke-eye' Melayu English blunder, Mindef blames ...
“Clothes that poke eye”, Melayu English; Lost in ...
'Poke eye' Melayu English in many public institutions ...
Over the past few weeks, many articles and letters have been published on the desirability of reintroducing English-medium schools in Malaysia. Those among us who were schooled in the 50s and 60s often reminisce with fondness and nostalgia about the good times we shared with friends of all races.
We also recall the many devoted teachers who “terrified” us but yet earned our highest respect, so well portrayed by Lat in his cartoons in the characters of Mr Singh, Tuan Syed and Mrs Hew.
Students then identified strongly with their schools and healthy inter-school rivalry contributed to raising not just academic standards but the standard of sports and other extra-curricular activities, including inter-school debates.
Looking back, it is easy to see why so many of us recall our schooling days with such fond memories and wish to revisit those days of old.
In looking back, it is important to get a sense of how multiracial schools were then and the significant role played by English-medium schools in bringing us together as Malaysians before such schools were phased out from 1970.
Statistics are difficult to come by but there is a gem of a publication entitled Educational Statistics of Malaysia 1938 to 1967 published by the Educational Planning and Research Division of the Ministry of Education Malaysia in 1967 which is available online at
Also included was an important graph charting the enrolment of students in assisted schools between 1947 and 1967 (see chart).
It is clear from the chart that enrolment in the English-medium schools enjoyed the highest rate of growth among the language streams and would have become the largest group of schools in the country if the policy had not been abruptly changed in 1970.
Suffice to say that by 1967, English-medium schools accounted for 33.8% of all students in the country, Malay-medium schools 40.3%, Chinese-medium schools 21.4% and Tamil-medium schools 4.5%.
It is also useful to recall that parents were allowed, then, to choose the language stream of the schools they enrolled their children in.
As no statistics were available on the racial breakdown of students in the English-medium schools, a close approximation was made by dividing the total population of students in 1967 according to the racial composition of each group in that year and subtracting the number of students already enrolled in their respective language medium schools.
The balance is a realistic approximation of students enrolled in the English-medium schools. Using this method of approximation, the English-medium schools had attracted a healthy racial mix of approximately 34.6% Malay, Chinese 43.1%, 16.4% Indian and 5.9% “other” students. (see chart 2)
At the secondary school level, English-medium schools, administered by both the government as well as mission schools were by far, the most popular type of schools, attracting more students than any of the other language streams, a choice made by the majority of parents throughout the country.
Students followed a curriculum used worldwide and textbooks in English that were carefully selected and graded in complexity through years of use and fine-tuning.
Students then sat for examinations that were internationally graded and recognised as the “O” Levels of the Cambridge Examination Board. Such students later went on to assume important positions in all sectors of the economy – the government, bureaucracy, academia and the private sector.
The landscape, however, changed radically after the May 10, 1969 general election and the riots of May 13. Amid the uncertainty and following the trauma of the events, the then newly appointed Education Minister, Datuk Abdul Rahman Yaacob, only two months into the job, and with little if any consultation, announced a new policy.
The policy was that from 1970, English-medium schools would cease to exist and remaining students in English language-medium schools would be phased out over the next 11 years until they completed Form Five in 1982.
This radical decision saw the beginning of the gradual erosion of the strong English language foundation, a competitive edge that Malaysia had enjoyed over its neighbouring countries for decades.
Along with the removal of English- medium schools, a number of serious problems emerged in the education system, including low achievement rates in science, mathematics and reasoning as evidenced in Malaysia’s low PISA and TIMSS scores, the employability of graduates and their relative competitiveness in an increasingly globalised world.
It is no mere coincidence that the top 10 scorers are from the OECD countries and Asian tigers, and if we are to achieve sustainable high income status in the future, our scores in these benchmarks have to be improved.
We are heartened by the current national dialogue taking place over the drafting and finalisation of the National Education Blueprint. Various interest groups and stakeholders have been consulted, including right up to the Council of Rulers, and rightly so given the special place that education has in the heart of every parent and central to the competitiveness of a nation.
Contrast this consultation with the overnight decision then to abandon English as the medium of instruction – a decision taken whilst the country was caught in the immediate aftermath of the May 13 riots where many people were killed and cars and shophouses were burnt and the priority then was security and bringing back life to normalcy.
We will leave it to researchers and insiders at the ministry at that time to reveal the reasons for this sudden promulgation of a policy that had such a long term negative impact on our competitiveness.
We only know, for example, that veteran politician Dr Goh Cheng Teik wrote in December 1970 in his book The May Thirteenth Incident and Democracy in Malaysia that the radical educational policy change in 1969 was made without the knowledge or authorisation of then Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Referring to the same issue, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his book Doctor in the House wrote, “Out of the blue, Tun Rahman Yaacob announced that all government secondary schools and government-aided schools would become National Secondary Schools where the teaching would be in Malay. Schools in Sarawak and Sabah, however would be exempted. His decision made Tun Rahman very popular with the Malays, particularly Malay university students, but the move had a political rather than an academic agenda.”
It is not too late in the day to revisit the issue of English-medium schools – this time not under the shadow of the events that occurred in May and June 1969, but in the light and with the benefit of the knowledge and experience that we have accumulated over the past 44 years.
We owe it to ourselves to have this serious conversation on the way forward for education, the bedrock for maximising the potential of all citizens and enhancing the competitiveness of our nation in these globally challenging times, especially with the advent of this Internet age.
> Tan Sri
Yong Poh Kon is managing director of Royal Selangor and President of the
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers. He also serves on the boards of
EPF, MIDA and Matrade. Part Two of his article will appear in Sunday
Star tomorrow.Related posts:
Right ways to boost teaching of English in Malaysia
Right, Bring back English schools would be a smart move for Malaysians
Winning education, America and China!
Beware of Malaysian Chinese school leavers being lured into dubious degree and diploma programs !
English language in Malaysia in dire straits!
'Poke-eye' Melayu English blunder, Mindef blames ...
“Clothes that poke eye”, Melayu English; Lost in ...
'Poke eye' Melayu English in many public institutions ...
Friday, June 28, 2013
Samsung’s Galaxy S4 is going to get even faster with LTE-Advanced
After announcing smaller and tougher versions of its flagship smartphone, Samsung is now gearing up to launch a new version of the S4 with support for LTE-Advanced networks, Reuters reports.
The phone could hit South Korea as soon as this month, Samsung co-chief executive officer J.K. Shin told Reuters. LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) is a major upgrade over the current LTE standard, and it could end up being the driving technology behind future “5G” networks. For now, though, it looks like carriers are approaching LTE-A as a way to speed up existing 4G LTE networks. T-Mobile, for example, claims it’ll be the first to offer LTE-A in the U.S. because it has newer LTE equipment than other carriers.
LTE-Advanced will potentially offer speeds up to 300 megabits per second (three times faster than LTE’s theoretical bandwidth), so you can be sure that carriers will want to market the heck out of that upgrade. Samsung claims its LTE-A Galaxy S4 will be about twice as fast as the current LTE models.
For the most part, the LTE-A Galaxy S4 seems like a show horse for Samsung. It gets to claim that it’s the first in the LTE-A handset market, but most consumers won’t be able to take advantage of the faster speeds for some time. The phone will also serve as a way to push Samsung’s 4G networking-equipment business. (After all, it’ll only be able to convince carriers to adopt its LTE-A equipment if there’s a phone that supports the faster network.)
By Devindra Hardawar/ VentureBeat
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The phone could hit South Korea as soon as this month, Samsung co-chief executive officer J.K. Shin told Reuters. LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) is a major upgrade over the current LTE standard, and it could end up being the driving technology behind future “5G” networks. For now, though, it looks like carriers are approaching LTE-A as a way to speed up existing 4G LTE networks. T-Mobile, for example, claims it’ll be the first to offer LTE-A in the U.S. because it has newer LTE equipment than other carriers.
LTE-Advanced will potentially offer speeds up to 300 megabits per second (three times faster than LTE’s theoretical bandwidth), so you can be sure that carriers will want to market the heck out of that upgrade. Samsung claims its LTE-A Galaxy S4 will be about twice as fast as the current LTE models.
For the most part, the LTE-A Galaxy S4 seems like a show horse for Samsung. It gets to claim that it’s the first in the LTE-A handset market, but most consumers won’t be able to take advantage of the faster speeds for some time. The phone will also serve as a way to push Samsung’s 4G networking-equipment business. (After all, it’ll only be able to convince carriers to adopt its LTE-A equipment if there’s a phone that supports the faster network.)
By Devindra Hardawar/ VentureBeat
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
Proud of dubious titles: Datukship award ...

Abdul Latif presenting an award to Koh at an investiture ceremony at the ‘balai rasmi’ in Simpang Ampat, Malacca, on Feb 16, 2013
PETALING JAYA: Scores of recipients of questionable awards from territorial chieftains are shamelessly displaying their dubious titles of “Datuk”, “Datuk Paduka” and “Datuk Seri” online.
A website lists a number of people with Datukships conferred by Malacca’s Undang Luak of Naning, Dato’ Seri Raja Merah Dato’ Abdul Latif Hashim.
The website also contains a full list of awards conferred by the chieftain, comprising 60 awards under 11 categories.
Awards in the first 10 categories come with different titles while the last category – with three awards – does not come with a title.
The categories range from Anugerah Darjat Kerabat Gelaran, which lists the highest award as the Darjah Kerabat Undang Naning, to the Anugerah Kehormat Gelaran, which carries the title Datuk.
The Star reported recently that Abdul Latif handed out scores of unrecognised Datukships and other titles to those who had “contributed” to the Naning Territory.
Another self-claimed “Malacca-Perak Sultan” Ahmad Shah Raja Noor Jan Shah had also awarded titles to over 90 people.
Awards conferred by territorial heads and self-styled traditional leaders are not recognised anywhere in the country, unlike those conferred by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and heads of state.
As of yesterday, two people had been identified on the website as recipients of the highest award, the Darjah Kerabat Undang Naning, which carries the title Datuk Seri Diraja.
Twenty-three others carry the title “Datuk”, of whom 17 were awarded the Darjah Kehormat Undang Naning while the rest were conferred the Darjah Kehormat Wilayah Naning.
Other titled recipients are Datuk Paduka Seri and Datuk Jaksa (six recipients each), Datuk Seri (one recipient), Datuk Paduka (nine recipients) and Datuk Panglima (five recipients).
The website also contains background information on Naning Territory, photographs of the Naning flag and those of its divisions, the current chieftain of Naning and pictures of his birthday in 2010.
‘I was told to pay RM90,000 for award’
Sebestian Koh, 49, said there were over 100 recipients that day receiving one of three titles – Datuk Seri, Datuk Paduka and Datuk.
Koh also refuted a statement by Malacca’s Undang Luak of Naning, Dato’ Seri Raja Merah Dato’ Abdul Latif Hashim, that he did not confer the title.
Showing photographs of him receiving the award at the “balai rasmi” in Simpang Ampat, Malacca, on Feb 16, Koh said: “I think the confusion must have arisen because there were so many people being awarded titles that day, so he (Abdul Latif) might not have remembered me.
“I was told by a friend, who also received the award, that it was recognised by the Government. He said I could even include the title in my MyKad and passport.
“Although I had never heard of the award, I decided to accept it since they were conferring it on me anyway.”
Koh was speaking to reporters at the MCA Public Service and Complaints Department yesterday.
The Star had front-paged the issue of questionable titles conferred by Naning chieftains and interviewed Abdul Latif and Ahmad Shah Raja Noor Jan Shah, who claimed to be the “Malacca-Perak Sultan”.
Abdul Latif had said that the investiture ceremony to confer titles was purely customary and the awards were merely customary titles with no connection to those bestowed by the Malacca Government.
In November last year, Koh said his friend, a certain “Datuk” Teoh, had called to inform him about the Datukship and handed over a “surat watikah”.
He said he was also informed about the RM90,000 “standard donation” for the title, which would be “contributed” to the Naning territory.
Before the investiture ceremony, Koh said he paid RM6,000 for a yellow sash with red stripes, a medal with the words “Dato Kehormat” and a card identifying him as a title holder.
When asked if he knew that the award was dubious, Koh admitted that he did know that the historical state had no sultan.
“The one conferring the title claimed to be a descendant of the Malacca sultanate and I asked around to check if this was true,” he said, confessing however that this was not done thoroughly as whatever information he had, coupled with Teoh’s persuasion, made everything “look very real”.
A few months after he accepted the award, Koh said his friends asked if they could advertise their congratulatory messages, to which he agreed.
“Only after The Star article on the Datuks of Naning was published did I realise that I had received an unrecognised award. My friends are laughing at me for being a recipient of a fake award. It is very embarrassing.”
When asked about his next move, Koh said he would not lodge a police report but had set aside the award and moved on.
On whether the award might be revoked if he did not settle the “standard donation”, Koh waved it off as a non-issue, adding that “it was not recognised anyway”.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Asian banks remain to be seen more scandals will surface
HSBC, Standard Chartered and
DBS were among 20 banks at which 133 traders tried to manipulate the
Singapore interbank offered rate (Sibor). Photo: Bloomberg
HSBC, Standard Chartered, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays and DBS were among 20 banks at which 133 traders tried to manipulate the Singapore interbank offered rate (Sibor), swap offered rates and currency benchmarks in the city state, [the Monetary Authority of Singapore] said.
BANKING scandals are surfacing in Asia, this time in the form of a US$250mil (RM799mil) fine on Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc on claims that it had transferred money to countries facing US sanctions.
According to the South China Morning Post, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd, the main lending unit of Japan's biggest bank by market value, moved an estimated US$100bil through the state for government and privately owned entities on the Specially Designated Nationals list.
This list was issued by the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control between 2002 and 2007, the New York State Department of Financial Services and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement recently.
Just about two weeks earlier, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) had cracked down on the rigging of the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate or Sibor.
HSBC, Standard Chartered, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays and DBS were among 20 banks at which 133 traders had tried to manipulate the Sibor, swap offered rates and currency benchmarks in the city-state, MAS said in a statement recently.
These incidents within Asian banks are significant, as the European and US banks have been bearing the brunt of criticism.
The major UK banks have been fined for the Libor (the London equivalent of Sibor) rigging and the mis-selling of products.
Due to their role in the churning of derivatives, these banks in the West have been described as greedy, careless and manipulative.
The recent scandals seem to involve only a few Asian banks, but it remains to be seen how many more names will surface and what sort of rules have been flouted.
In view of their important role in the economic growth of Asia, they will be closely watched in terms of risk exposure and ethical banking practices.
So, Asian banks, some of which have become very profitable, beware on all fronts.
In Europe, overnight talks aimed at ensuring shareholders and bond holders bear the brunt of bank failures collapsed after almost 20 hours of discussion, reports The Telegraph.
After investors, the proposals would impose losses on savers with more than 100,000 euros in their account, but France and non-eurozone countries want the ability to tailor the rules, the report says.
Discussing possible bank failures may not be the most urgent agenda, although extreme stress testing and estimation of potential bank losses should be conducted.
This is tied to the capital position of the bank.
However, there should be a constructive approach to boosting capital buffer and ensuring that the bank does not fail rather than what to do if it fails.
It is like pointing a gun at a man's head even before the crime is committed.
Bond bubble
There is said to be a “bond crisis” out there, where the bond bubble is about to burst, with investors looking for other asset classes to invest in.
With the impending halt to the US quantitive easing programme of additional liquidity, this search for other asset classes has become more urgent.
Nevertheless, 'We see improving US gross domestic product as a positive support to risk' assets such as shares, but would expect liquidity reductions to remove some of the froth' from current valuations, including in corporate bonds.
“Where we have the biggest concern is some of the riskier banks.
'Even five years on from the financial crisis, we cannot with any confidence say we are happy with the quality of their balance sheets; this is where risks of capital losses are highest,'' says Chris Bowie, manager of Ignis fund management.
Such is the reality of investing. It involves constant assessment of risk, changes in the markets and valuations.
Micromanagement is usually discouraged but may be useful in this case.
By Yap Leng Kuen
Columnist Yap Leng Kuen cautions on the headwinds.
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For the sake of money people will risk anything
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Winning education, America and China!
Providing a student with a taste of life in two of the most powerful and dynamic nations in the world is a winning combination.
I AM always being asked by anxious parents about where they should send their sons and daughters to school or university.
As a graduate of a British university, most people would expect me to be a big promoter of UK institutions.
In the past, that would have been the case, but nowadays I’m no longer so convinced.
Indeed, the smartest Malaysian parents have already anticipated changing trends, sending their offspring to the United States, especially schools on the East Coast (and Ivy League colleges).
At the same time, virtually every young Chinese Malaysian scion is expected to spend at least a year or so brushing up his or her Mandarin in Beijing.
Some even attempt courses at the city’s prestigious Peking University.
To my mind, it’s a winning combination: providing a student with a taste of life in two of the most powerful and dynamic nations in the world.
This doesn’t mean that I think American graduates (even Ivy Leaguers) are cleverer than their British counterparts.
If anything, they’re just more articulate and confident.
These are qualities, however, that tend to evaporate the moment they put pen to paper.
Indeed, I’ve never understood the educational value of multiple choice tests so in vogue in the American education system.
Why is this trend occurring?
Well, for one thing, American universities really score in terms of the money at their disposal and the incredibly diverse student body.
This in turn creates a superb and influential network for the future for their students.
At the same time, one of the most high-profile recent British graduates was Bo GuaGua, the son of disgraced Communist Party apparatchik Bo Xilai.
The young Bo studied at the elite British public school, Harrow, followed by Oxford University’s Balliol College.
When his father and mother fell so spectacularly from grace, GuaGua’s ostentatious ways and flamboyant educational choices were viewed as evidence of his parent’s waywardness and lack of discretion.
With China now the source of the world’s largest number of overseas students (surpassing even India), GuaGua’s disastrous stint in the UK may well prove to be a powerful disincentive for other parents in Beijing and Shanghai.
Indeed, a million Chinese students were studying abroad by the end of 2006 and in 2011 alone, 340,000 students headed overseas.
The shift may well take time as London remains an important financial capital despite its fading diplomatic leverage.
Still, the Great Power rivalry across the Pacific means that the United States possesses a powerful allure for Chinese parents as they seek to prepare their children for the future.
The children of China’s new rich can now be found in places like the Phillips Andover Academy (founded in 1778, the alma mater of President George W. Bush), its rival Phillips Exeter (1781) and the Groton School (1884, where President Franklin Delano Roosevelt studied).
They’re attractive to Chinese parents because it gives their children the edge for entry to Ivy League universities like Harvard or Yale.
Even Bo GuaGua headed to the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) to study public policy after Oxford.
US Department of Homeland Security numbers indicate that there were 6,725 Chinese students in American secondary schools in 2011, compared to just 65 in 2006.
Overall, more than 157,000 Chinese students studied in America that year – a full 22% of the total number of foreign students there.
China again surpassed India as the largest source of overseas students for America in 2010.
Malaysia, in contrast sent just 6,190 students to America that year.
It would seem that many Malaysians still hanker for British educational institutions – perhaps to our disadvantage.
As this is being written, the best and brightest minds from the world’s two superpowers are rubbing shoulders in the schoolyards and lecture halls of America as well as, increasingly, China.
It’s always a good thing when young people come together.
Perhaps the long-feared clash between China and the West may not materialise after all as children from both compete in their respective elite institutions instead.
Taikonauts teach from space

As a graduate of a British university, most people would expect me to be a big promoter of UK institutions.
In the past, that would have been the case, but nowadays I’m no longer so convinced.
Indeed, the smartest Malaysian parents have already anticipated changing trends, sending their offspring to the United States, especially schools on the East Coast (and Ivy League colleges).
At the same time, virtually every young Chinese Malaysian scion is expected to spend at least a year or so brushing up his or her Mandarin in Beijing.
Some even attempt courses at the city’s prestigious Peking University.
To my mind, it’s a winning combination: providing a student with a taste of life in two of the most powerful and dynamic nations in the world.
This doesn’t mean that I think American graduates (even Ivy Leaguers) are cleverer than their British counterparts.
If anything, they’re just more articulate and confident.
These are qualities, however, that tend to evaporate the moment they put pen to paper.
Indeed, I’ve never understood the educational value of multiple choice tests so in vogue in the American education system.
Why is this trend occurring?
Well, for one thing, American universities really score in terms of the money at their disposal and the incredibly diverse student body.
This in turn creates a superb and influential network for the future for their students.
At the same time, one of the most high-profile recent British graduates was Bo GuaGua, the son of disgraced Communist Party apparatchik Bo Xilai.
The young Bo studied at the elite British public school, Harrow, followed by Oxford University’s Balliol College.
When his father and mother fell so spectacularly from grace, GuaGua’s ostentatious ways and flamboyant educational choices were viewed as evidence of his parent’s waywardness and lack of discretion.
With China now the source of the world’s largest number of overseas students (surpassing even India), GuaGua’s disastrous stint in the UK may well prove to be a powerful disincentive for other parents in Beijing and Shanghai.
Indeed, a million Chinese students were studying abroad by the end of 2006 and in 2011 alone, 340,000 students headed overseas.
The shift may well take time as London remains an important financial capital despite its fading diplomatic leverage.
Still, the Great Power rivalry across the Pacific means that the United States possesses a powerful allure for Chinese parents as they seek to prepare their children for the future.
The children of China’s new rich can now be found in places like the Phillips Andover Academy (founded in 1778, the alma mater of President George W. Bush), its rival Phillips Exeter (1781) and the Groton School (1884, where President Franklin Delano Roosevelt studied).
They’re attractive to Chinese parents because it gives their children the edge for entry to Ivy League universities like Harvard or Yale.
Even Bo GuaGua headed to the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) to study public policy after Oxford.
US Department of Homeland Security numbers indicate that there were 6,725 Chinese students in American secondary schools in 2011, compared to just 65 in 2006.
Overall, more than 157,000 Chinese students studied in America that year – a full 22% of the total number of foreign students there.
China again surpassed India as the largest source of overseas students for America in 2010.
Malaysia, in contrast sent just 6,190 students to America that year.
It would seem that many Malaysians still hanker for British educational institutions – perhaps to our disadvantage.
As this is being written, the best and brightest minds from the world’s two superpowers are rubbing shoulders in the schoolyards and lecture halls of America as well as, increasingly, China.
It’s always a good thing when young people come together.
Perhaps the long-feared clash between China and the West may not materialise after all as children from both compete in their respective elite institutions instead.
By Karim Raslan
By Karim Raslan
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Monday, June 24, 2013
Deactivate your Facebook account!

Malaysians have firmly entrenched Facebook in their lives
Did you know that Malaysians have the most number of Facebook friends in the world? A British research agency, TNS, revealed that on average Malaysians have 233 Facebook friends and spend roughly nine hours a week on Facebook. What a lot of time indeed!
Before proudly shouting Malaysia Boleh!, think about what this actually means. Facebook has become an integral part of our lives like nasi lemak, hence we need to fully understand its consequences before it becomes an enemy. Only a fraction of your Facebook friends are your actual friends.
It has become to easy to be Facebook friends with anyone. The list includes your neighbour’s best friend’s sister whom you once met at a Christmas party. The time spent on Facebook per week is disturbing. If today’s youth spend hours communicating online, what is the impact on their real life communication and social skills?
As we all know, online communication is a distant, disfigured cousin of face-to-face communication. Communication is a delicate tool with many layers to it.
To start off, there is verbal and non-verbal communication. This consists of spoken words, pauses, hand gestures, facial expressions, body language, vocal variety and intonation.
Facebook, like many other platforms of online communication, is a different ball game altogether. An entire conversation can take place without even a single properly constructed sentence. For that matter, an entire conversation can take place with just emoticons!
This has resulted in a generation who lack basic communication skills.There are so many people who can have hours of online conversations but can barely have a decent five minute face-to-face chat. In the real world, conversations cannot entirely consist of LOLs and smileys.
In reality, making new friends and meeting new people does not happen with a literal click. It takes time to build relationships and get to know people. Now, it is possible to be someone’s friend on Facebook without even having a single conversation or interaction with that person.
This destroys the natural flow of human interaction. Communication has been watered down thoroughly indeed. This evolution indicates the ebb of human communication skills.
Besides that, on Facebook, we are unable to observe the other party’s body language. This leaves a gaping hole in the communication flow, as body language makes up for nearly half of non-verbal communication.
Consequently, youngsters whom are major Facebook users are insensitive to body language responses of the other party. This will ultimately result in poor communication skills as youths are unable to decipher the non-verbal response of the other person.
It is also a common trend amongst the youth to respond to text/chat messages first rather than to the person speaking in front of them.
With electronic communication gaining preference over actual conversations, it is a common sight at gatherings to see people busy texting or tweeting instead of talking to the people at the party.
Our minds are tuned to prefer online communication, alienating traditional chit chat. It is a rather rude compulsion to respond to your beeping phone first as opposed to a person talking to you.

Have we lost our offline communication skills?
The inevitable “So what?” will echo from Gen-Y. Arguably, this is progression thanks to technology. Again, the age-old debate of whether technology is a bane or a boon. Using Facebook as an example, technology has created one-dimensional communicators.
There are a few scenarios to consider, the first being a job interview. Employers are invariably complaining about how job applicants are unable to hold a proper discussion despite scores of degrees and higher qualifications.
While they may have the knowledge, they are unable to communicate their ideas effectively. This is a career crutch, so to speak, because being able to shine in the workplace requries solid communication abilities. In this era, communication skills are a golden ticket to securing that job.
Another scenario would be networking events as traditional networking still plays a role in our personal and professional lives. Be it birthday parties, industry launches or university events, human interaction is much needed!
It is wrong to assume that being able to communicate and network skilfully online automatically translates to good face-to-face communication. Learning the art of networking can lead to obtaining valuable contacts and forging important relationships that will go a long way. Savvy communication skills will snag you a potential client or that really hot date.
As always, practice makes perfect. Thus, actively participating in such events instead of being physically there but virtually not (pun intended) will lead to better communication skills. We need to be able to sit down and enjoy a good old fashioned chat.
Another challenge young people face is to communicate with people of different generations, something you would not usually encounter on Facebook. While online, you tend to mingle with people of your age, with similar interests but in reality it is a useful skill being able to talk to anyone and everyone.
A sad scenario nowadays would be a family out for dinner but everyone is glued to his or her smartphone and tablets. Again, there is minimal interaction, defeating the very purpose of having dinner together.
There is a popular game to combat this issue; the stacking game. Commonly played with friends, it requires everyone to stack their phone in the middle of the table and the first person who reaches for the phone has to foot the bill. This ensures there is proper conversation and interaction between everyone present, with less virtual distractions.
So, be proactive about the situation. Consciously monitor your online and offline communication. Ensure you have sufficient skills to hold a conversation with just about anyone for a reasonable duration.
Realise that while online communication is good, offline communication will take you a long way especially in terms of career and relationship building. Take the initiative to practise and sharpen your communication skills before it is too late.
There are many organisations out there dedicated to improving communication skills such as Toastmasters International. Find out how you can be part of it.
Should we deactivate Facebook? Admittedly it is a little too harsh, but striking the right balance between our online and offline communication is the key.
Undeniably, Facebook has become part of our lives. Just like McDonald’s, the key is moderation. A good practice is to engage with people when with company instead of communicating with someone else online. Learn to be more articulate and expressive when speaking as there are no emoticons! Let us work together to ensure technology does not cause the annihilation of proper communication skills amongst us.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
For the sake of money people will risk anything
HOT on the heels of the London interbank offered rate (Libor) rigging scandal comes the Singapore interbank offered rate (Sibor), the Singapore equivalent of the Libor rigging.
HSBC, Standard Chartered, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays and DBS are among 20 banks in which 133 traders tried to manipulate the Sibor, swap offered rates and currency benchmarks in the city-state, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said in a statement recently.
For the sake of money, people will risk anything. In this case, Singapore is well known as a tough regulator, but they still dare to mess around with the Sibor. They are definitely asking for trouble.
According to South China Morning Post, MAS has censured banks for trying to rig benchmark interest rates and ordered them to set aside about S$12bil (RM30.13bil) at zero interest, pending measures to improve internal controls.
It is surprising that these traders have been caught with their pants down.
Regulators have cracked down on market players following the Libor rigging fiasco, which involved Barclays, UBS and the Royal Bank of Scotland paying fines of up to US$2.5bil (RM7.89bil).
This is why even when news emerged on punitive measures for the Libor rigging, very few people believed in its effectiveness.
MAS said it would make rigging key rates a criminal offence and bring supervision under its oversight.
To put this into process may take some time, while these market players exploit any loophole or weaknesses.
The fact that Asian banks are also involved in this Sibor rigging makes it even more unpalatable.
So far, Asian banks have remained strong amidst the financial crisis. Their reputation has remained largely untarnished, although most have been quite silent on their risk management.
Many of their Western counterparts have had to shed jobs massively and close down or downsize businesses, with some even having to accept taxpayers' money to survive.
At the same time, banks in the West became embroiled in the blame game, came under heavy fire from regulators and some even had to undergo a serious revamp of their business model.
Among the positive things happening among Asian banks is the recruitment of talent at a time of major job cuts in the Western banking sector.
But even that little positive aspect is going to be drowned by accusations of the Sibor rigging.
Manipulation of interest rates is a serious offence. Resulting from such collusion, some disruption may be seen in market movements, which may give rise to uncertainties.
Columnist Yap Leng Kuen reckons it is not always true that once bitten, twice shy.
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The rotten heart of capitalism: interest rate-fixing
HSBC, Standard Chartered, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays and DBS are among 20 banks in which 133 traders tried to manipulate the Sibor, swap offered rates and currency benchmarks in the city-state, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said in a statement recently.
For the sake of money, people will risk anything. In this case, Singapore is well known as a tough regulator, but they still dare to mess around with the Sibor. They are definitely asking for trouble.
According to South China Morning Post, MAS has censured banks for trying to rig benchmark interest rates and ordered them to set aside about S$12bil (RM30.13bil) at zero interest, pending measures to improve internal controls.
It is surprising that these traders have been caught with their pants down.
Regulators have cracked down on market players following the Libor rigging fiasco, which involved Barclays, UBS and the Royal Bank of Scotland paying fines of up to US$2.5bil (RM7.89bil).
This is why even when news emerged on punitive measures for the Libor rigging, very few people believed in its effectiveness.
MAS said it would make rigging key rates a criminal offence and bring supervision under its oversight.
To put this into process may take some time, while these market players exploit any loophole or weaknesses.
The fact that Asian banks are also involved in this Sibor rigging makes it even more unpalatable.
So far, Asian banks have remained strong amidst the financial crisis. Their reputation has remained largely untarnished, although most have been quite silent on their risk management.
Many of their Western counterparts have had to shed jobs massively and close down or downsize businesses, with some even having to accept taxpayers' money to survive.
At the same time, banks in the West became embroiled in the blame game, came under heavy fire from regulators and some even had to undergo a serious revamp of their business model.
Among the positive things happening among Asian banks is the recruitment of talent at a time of major job cuts in the Western banking sector.
But even that little positive aspect is going to be drowned by accusations of the Sibor rigging.
Manipulation of interest rates is a serious offence. Resulting from such collusion, some disruption may be seen in market movements, which may give rise to uncertainties.
Columnist Yap Leng Kuen reckons it is not always true that once bitten, twice shy.
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The rotten heart of capitalism: interest rate-fixing
No privacy on the Net !
Revelations about PRISM, a US government
program that harvests data on the Internet, has sparked concerns about
privacy and civil rights violations. But has there ever been real
privacy and security on the WWW?
Demonstrators hold posters during a demonstration against the US Internet surveillance program of the NSA, PRISM, at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, Germany, ahead of US President Barack Obama’s visit to the German capital.
IMAGINE a time before email, when all your correspondence was sent through the post. How would you feel if you knew that somebody at the post office was recording the details of all the people you were corresponding with, “just in case” you did something wrong?
I think quite a few of you would be upset about it.
Similarly, some Americans are furious over revelations made about a system called PRISM. In the last few weeks, an allegation has been made that the US government is harvesting data on the Internet by copying what travels through some of its Internet Service Providers.
The US Director of National Intelligence has said that PRISM “is not an undisclosed collection or data mining program”, but its detractors are not convinced that this doesn’t mean no such program exists.
I think there are mainly two kinds of responses to this revelation: “Oh my God!” and “What took them so long?”.
The Internet has never really been secure. Because your data usually has to travel via systems owned by other people, you are at their mercy as to what they do with it. The indications are that this is already being done elsewhere.
Countries such as China, India, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom allegedly already run similar tracking projects on telecommunications and the Internet, mostly modelled on the US National Security Agency’s (unconfirmed) call monitoring programme. For discussion, I’ll limit myself for the moment to just emails – something that most people would recognise as being private and personal.
I find many people are surprised when I tell them that sending email over the Internet is a little bit like sending your message on a postcard. Just because you need a password to access it, doesn’t mean it’s secure during transmission.
The analogy would be that your mailbox is locked so only you can open it, but those carrying the postcard can read it before it reaches its final destination. Of course, there are ways to mitigate this. One has to be careful about what one put in emails in the first place. Don’t send anything that would be disastrous if it were forwarded to someone else without your permission.
You could also encrypt your email, so only the receiver with the correct password or key could read it, but this is difficult for most end users to do. (For those interested in encrypting emails, I would recommend looking at a product called PGP.)
The analogy holds up for other Internet traffic. It’s easy to monitor, given enough money and time. And as easy as it is for the Good Guys to try to monitor the Bad Guys, it’s just as easy for the Bad Guys to monitor us hapless members of the public.
But who do we mean by the Bad Guys? Specifically, should the government and law-enforcement agencies be categorised as ‘Bad Guys’ for purposes of privacy? Generally, the line oft quoted is “if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about”.
Yet, I think we all accept that there should be a fundamental right to privacy, for everybody from anybody. An interesting corollary to being able to express your thoughts freely is that you should also be able to decide when and how you make them public.
The fault in relying on organisations that say “trust us” isn’t in the spirit of their objectives, but in how the humans in them are flawed in character and action.
An example quoted regularly at the moment is how the FBI collected information about Martin Luther King because they considered him the “most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country”.
One way of defining the boundaries are by codifying them in laws. For example, the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act prohibits companies from sharing personal data with third parties without the original owner’s consent.
However, this law explicitly does not apply to the federal and state governments of Malaysia. Another clause indicates that consent is not necessary if it is for the purpose of “administration of justice”, or for the “exercise of any functions conferred on any person by or under any law”.
In relation to the revelations of PRISM, several questions come to mind: Can Internet traffic (or a subset of it) be considered “personal data”? Is it possible for government agencies to collect and store such data without your consent?
And if so, what safeguards are there to ensure that this personal data is accurate, is used correctly and is relevant for storage in the first place?
This should be a sharp point of debate, not just in terms of which of our secrets the government can be privy to, but also of which of the government’s information should be readily accessible by us.
True, there is so much data out there that analysing it is not a trivial task. However, companies such as Google are doing exactly that kind of work on large volumes of unstructured data so that you can search for cute kittens. The technology is already on its way.
Perhaps I am being over-cautious, but it seems a bit fantastical that people can know your deepest and darkest secrets by just monitoring a sequence of 1’s and 0’s. But, to quote science fiction author Phillip K. Dick, “It’s strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then”.
> Logic is the antithesis of emotion but mathematician-turned-scriptwriter Dzof Azmi’s theory is that people need both to make sense of life’s vagaries and contradictions. Speak to him at
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Demonstrators hold posters during a demonstration against the US Internet surveillance program of the NSA, PRISM, at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, Germany, ahead of US President Barack Obama’s visit to the German capital.
IMAGINE a time before email, when all your correspondence was sent through the post. How would you feel if you knew that somebody at the post office was recording the details of all the people you were corresponding with, “just in case” you did something wrong?
I think quite a few of you would be upset about it.
Similarly, some Americans are furious over revelations made about a system called PRISM. In the last few weeks, an allegation has been made that the US government is harvesting data on the Internet by copying what travels through some of its Internet Service Providers.
The US Director of National Intelligence has said that PRISM “is not an undisclosed collection or data mining program”, but its detractors are not convinced that this doesn’t mean no such program exists.
I think there are mainly two kinds of responses to this revelation: “Oh my God!” and “What took them so long?”.
The Internet has never really been secure. Because your data usually has to travel via systems owned by other people, you are at their mercy as to what they do with it. The indications are that this is already being done elsewhere.
Countries such as China, India, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom allegedly already run similar tracking projects on telecommunications and the Internet, mostly modelled on the US National Security Agency’s (unconfirmed) call monitoring programme. For discussion, I’ll limit myself for the moment to just emails – something that most people would recognise as being private and personal.
I find many people are surprised when I tell them that sending email over the Internet is a little bit like sending your message on a postcard. Just because you need a password to access it, doesn’t mean it’s secure during transmission.
The analogy would be that your mailbox is locked so only you can open it, but those carrying the postcard can read it before it reaches its final destination. Of course, there are ways to mitigate this. One has to be careful about what one put in emails in the first place. Don’t send anything that would be disastrous if it were forwarded to someone else without your permission.
You could also encrypt your email, so only the receiver with the correct password or key could read it, but this is difficult for most end users to do. (For those interested in encrypting emails, I would recommend looking at a product called PGP.)
The analogy holds up for other Internet traffic. It’s easy to monitor, given enough money and time. And as easy as it is for the Good Guys to try to monitor the Bad Guys, it’s just as easy for the Bad Guys to monitor us hapless members of the public.
But who do we mean by the Bad Guys? Specifically, should the government and law-enforcement agencies be categorised as ‘Bad Guys’ for purposes of privacy? Generally, the line oft quoted is “if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about”.
Yet, I think we all accept that there should be a fundamental right to privacy, for everybody from anybody. An interesting corollary to being able to express your thoughts freely is that you should also be able to decide when and how you make them public.
The fault in relying on organisations that say “trust us” isn’t in the spirit of their objectives, but in how the humans in them are flawed in character and action.
An example quoted regularly at the moment is how the FBI collected information about Martin Luther King because they considered him the “most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country”.
One way of defining the boundaries are by codifying them in laws. For example, the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act prohibits companies from sharing personal data with third parties without the original owner’s consent.
However, this law explicitly does not apply to the federal and state governments of Malaysia. Another clause indicates that consent is not necessary if it is for the purpose of “administration of justice”, or for the “exercise of any functions conferred on any person by or under any law”.
In relation to the revelations of PRISM, several questions come to mind: Can Internet traffic (or a subset of it) be considered “personal data”? Is it possible for government agencies to collect and store such data without your consent?
And if so, what safeguards are there to ensure that this personal data is accurate, is used correctly and is relevant for storage in the first place?
This should be a sharp point of debate, not just in terms of which of our secrets the government can be privy to, but also of which of the government’s information should be readily accessible by us.
True, there is so much data out there that analysing it is not a trivial task. However, companies such as Google are doing exactly that kind of work on large volumes of unstructured data so that you can search for cute kittens. The technology is already on its way.
Perhaps I am being over-cautious, but it seems a bit fantastical that people can know your deepest and darkest secrets by just monitoring a sequence of 1’s and 0’s. But, to quote science fiction author Phillip K. Dick, “It’s strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then”.
> Logic is the antithesis of emotion but mathematician-turned-scriptwriter Dzof Azmi’s theory is that people need both to make sense of life’s vagaries and contradictions. Speak to him at
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US Spy Snowden Says U.S. Hacking China Since 2009
civil liberties,
Computer hackers,
Cyber Attacks,
Edward Snowden,
Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Hong Kong,
Human rights,
National Security Agency,
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Taikonauts teach from space
Historic lecture broadcast live to millions of students all over China.
ABOUT 1,000 Form 4, 5 and 6 students from the Beijing No 2 Middle School were glued to the projection screen in their classrooms to watch the historic lecture broadcast live from space together with millions of pupils and students in China.
Many students from the school could not take their eyes off the 40-minute physics lesson in which three Chinese taikonauts on board the Tiangong-1 orbiter first showed how they meditated airborne and measured their weight using a special scale, designed based on the Newton’s second law of motion, in a gravity-free environment.
Wang Yaping, China’s second female taikonaut and the teacher in charge of the lecture, then demonstrated how a gyro in a high-speed rotation motion could actually maintain the position of its axis in space like that on Earth.
She pushed a static gyro in the air and then spanned another gyro. The static gyro rolled forward but the rotating gyro kept its axis intact.
She noted that the fixed axis concept of the high-speed rotating gyro has been widely used in the aerospace field, saying that a wide range of gyroscopes had been installed in the Tiangong-1 orbiter to measure its flight pattern accurately.
Fifth former Wu Tong said she was especially fascinated with the experiment conducted by Wang to examine the movement of a small ball tied with a string to a holder fixed on a metal plate.
“Previously, we have been taught on the theory and not the practical side of it. It is rather difficult to simulate a vacuum environment.
“In class, our teacher used to tell us that the ball would move in a circular motion (when one pushed it) and would not stop. Today, we finally saw it for ourselves,” she said.
To many students, another highlight of the lecture was the water ball experiment that explained how zero-gravity magnified the surface tension of water.
Wang made a water film on a metal ring by inserting the ring into a water bag. Then she added more water onto the ring to form a thicker water film and eventually a water ball.
The water ball miraculously did not break even when commander of the crew Nie Haisheng used an injection needle to extract the bubbles inside the water ball.
After that, Wang moved closer to the water ball and said: “Look at this water ball. Does it look like an inverted microscope? Through it, you can see my inverted image!” At this moment, the classrooms were filled with thunderous applause.
Wu described the experiment as “magical and ingenious”.
“The experiment was well designed. They also injected gas and coloured liquid into the water ball to show us the increasing surface tension of the water,” she said.
Another fifth former Gu Xu said: “We have just studied this topic on surface tension. It is quite amazing to see how the coloured liquid spread all over the water ball.”
Apart from a total of five experiments, the taikonauts also took questions from four students who were attending the lecture at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University in Beijing.
On the presence of space debris, Wang said they had not spotted any space debris since they entered the orbit but they do exist.
“The number is quite big but the possibility of the debris hitting the spacecraft is rather small. If they do collide with the spacecraft, the consequences could be disastrous.
“That’s why before embarking on our mission, we had conducted an analysis of space debris and taken preventive measures to protect the Tiangong-1 orbiter,” she said.
“Did you see any UFO?” asked a Standard Four pupil amid laughter from the rest of the students.
Wang said that through the spacecraft window they could see the beautiful colours of the Earth, the moon and stars, but no UFO.
Wu said the lecture was very meaningful for her to widen her knowledge of space science.
She said she was proud of the Chinese taikonauts for conducting the nation’s first lecture from space, after other such feats by space exploration powerhouses like the United States and Russia.
Gu said the gravity-free environment in space provided scientists with new ideas and it was important for China to take the lead in exploring space and acquiring its technology.
“The research and development in science has no limits. When we are in command of everything on the land and in the sky and sea, space will be our new frontier,” he said.
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Students gathered in a school in Beijing ask Chinese astronaut Wang
Yaping questions as she delivers a lesson from the Tiangong-1 space
ABOUT 1,000 Form 4, 5 and 6 students from the Beijing No 2 Middle School were glued to the projection screen in their classrooms to watch the historic lecture broadcast live from space together with millions of pupils and students in China.
Many students from the school could not take their eyes off the 40-minute physics lesson in which three Chinese taikonauts on board the Tiangong-1 orbiter first showed how they meditated airborne and measured their weight using a special scale, designed based on the Newton’s second law of motion, in a gravity-free environment.
Wang Yaping, China’s second female taikonaut and the teacher in charge of the lecture, then demonstrated how a gyro in a high-speed rotation motion could actually maintain the position of its axis in space like that on Earth.
She pushed a static gyro in the air and then spanned another gyro. The static gyro rolled forward but the rotating gyro kept its axis intact.
She noted that the fixed axis concept of the high-speed rotating gyro has been widely used in the aerospace field, saying that a wide range of gyroscopes had been installed in the Tiangong-1 orbiter to measure its flight pattern accurately.
Fifth former Wu Tong said she was especially fascinated with the experiment conducted by Wang to examine the movement of a small ball tied with a string to a holder fixed on a metal plate.
“Previously, we have been taught on the theory and not the practical side of it. It is rather difficult to simulate a vacuum environment.
“In class, our teacher used to tell us that the ball would move in a circular motion (when one pushed it) and would not stop. Today, we finally saw it for ourselves,” she said.
To many students, another highlight of the lecture was the water ball experiment that explained how zero-gravity magnified the surface tension of water.
Wang made a water film on a metal ring by inserting the ring into a water bag. Then she added more water onto the ring to form a thicker water film and eventually a water ball.
The water ball miraculously did not break even when commander of the crew Nie Haisheng used an injection needle to extract the bubbles inside the water ball.
After that, Wang moved closer to the water ball and said: “Look at this water ball. Does it look like an inverted microscope? Through it, you can see my inverted image!” At this moment, the classrooms were filled with thunderous applause.
Wu described the experiment as “magical and ingenious”.
“The experiment was well designed. They also injected gas and coloured liquid into the water ball to show us the increasing surface tension of the water,” she said.
Another fifth former Gu Xu said: “We have just studied this topic on surface tension. It is quite amazing to see how the coloured liquid spread all over the water ball.”
Apart from a total of five experiments, the taikonauts also took questions from four students who were attending the lecture at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University in Beijing.
On the presence of space debris, Wang said they had not spotted any space debris since they entered the orbit but they do exist.
“The number is quite big but the possibility of the debris hitting the spacecraft is rather small. If they do collide with the spacecraft, the consequences could be disastrous.
“That’s why before embarking on our mission, we had conducted an analysis of space debris and taken preventive measures to protect the Tiangong-1 orbiter,” she said.
“Did you see any UFO?” asked a Standard Four pupil amid laughter from the rest of the students.
Wang said that through the spacecraft window they could see the beautiful colours of the Earth, the moon and stars, but no UFO.
Wu said the lecture was very meaningful for her to widen her knowledge of space science.
She said she was proud of the Chinese taikonauts for conducting the nation’s first lecture from space, after other such feats by space exploration powerhouses like the United States and Russia.
Gu said the gravity-free environment in space provided scientists with new ideas and it was important for China to take the lead in exploring space and acquiring its technology.
“The research and development in science has no limits. When we are in command of everything on the land and in the sky and sea, space will be our new frontier,” he said.
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