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Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Figuring out the best time to exercise; Any regular exercise helps maintain the brain

For some people, early morning before getting ready for the day’s duties is the best time to get their daily dose of physical activity in. — Filepic

It's a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape: When is the best time to exercise?

Based on member data from American fitness company Future, about 41% of workouts take place between 7-9am or 5-7pm.

“The debate is intriguing with proponents of both morning and evening workouts citing various benefits,” says sports medicine research director Dr Andrew Jagim from the Mayo Clinic Health System in Wisconsin, United States.

“From increased energy levels to enhanced performance or greater weight-loss benefits, health experts delve into the science behind exercise timing to shed light on the optimal approach for achieving fitness goals.”

In the morning

For morning exercisers, the allure of starting the day with a workout is undeniable.

“Getting your workout in and completed before you even begin your day can provide a sense of accomplishment and set a positive tone for the day ahead,” explains Dr Jagim.

“The post-workout release of endorphins and the satisfaction of accomplishing something before 9am can serve as a powerful ego boost.”

Perhaps most importantly, morning workouts eliminate the need to worry about finding time for exercise later in the day.

This is as it’s often the only time of the day that hasn’t been previously committed to work, social events or family activities.

“By completing your workout in the morning, you free up your afternoons and evenings for other activities, such as cooking dinner, socialising or simply relaxing,” Dr Jagim notes.

“This sense of freedom and flexibility can alleviate stress and enhance overall well- being.”

For people embarking on morning workouts, strategic pre-exercise nutrition can make a significant difference in energy levels and performance.

“Starting the day with a balanced breakfast containing carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats can provide the necessary energy to power through a morning workout,” he advises.

“Opt for wholegrain cereals, Greek yoghurt with fruit, and allow sufficient time for digestion to prevent discomfort and optimize nutrient absorption.

“Or, if you’re not hungry in the mornings or don’t have time, something simple like an energy bar can suffice.”

In the evening

However, for some people, waking up early to exercise is the last thing they feel like doing, and therefore, the case for evening workouts is more appealing.

“Your body’s ability to perform peaks in the afternoon and early evening, with optimal muscle function, strength and endurance,” states osteopathic medicine practitioner Jake Erickson, who specialises in sports medicine at the Mayo Clinic Health System in Onalaska, Wisconsin.

“During this time, your body has time to wake up a bit by moving around throughout the day, you’ve likely gotten a meal or two in to ensure adequate energy available to use during the workout, and you may be more mentally alert.”

Additionally, oxygen uptake kinetics are more favourable in the evening, allowing for more efficient utilisation of resources during exercise.

“Your body is primed for performance in the late afternoon and early evening, making it an ideal window for high-intensity activities like interval training or speed work,” he explains.

Conversely, people opting for evening workouts face unique considerations in balancing time commitments and mental energy.

“After a long day at work or shuttling around the kids all day, it can be hard to muster the motivation to go to the gym and put forth a lot of physical effort during a workout,” says osteopathic medicine practitioner Alecia Gende, who specialises in sports medicine and emergency medicine at Onalaska’s Mayo Clinic Health System.

“Additionally, intense physical activity in the evening may trigger a stress response and cause difficulty falling asleep or waking in the middle of the night if your cortisol is disrupted and released at an inopportune time.

“If you have to get a workout in before sleep, it would be best to be lower intensity, such as a walk or lighter (weight-)lifting session.

“If that’s the case, moving the workout earlier in the day might be more beneficial for them.”

Lastly, if you choose to work out later in the day, it’s important to ensure that you are getting adequate nutrients throughout the day to make sure you have enough fuel available to support the workout, in addition to eating a well-balanced meal after the workout.

“After a long day, it’s essential to refuel the body with carbohydrates and protein,” Dr Jagim says.

“Consuming a nutrient-rich meal within two hours of your workout can facilitate muscle recovery and enhance adaptation to training.

“Consider options such as grilled chicken with quinoa and vegetables, or a protein-packed stir-fry to refuel and replenish after an evening workout.”

For people engaging in prolonged or intense exercise sessions (more than 90 minutes), mid-workout nutrition can play a pivotal role in sustaining energy levels and preventing fatigue.

He recommends incorporating carbohydrate-rich snacks during extended workouts to maintain endurance and performance.

At midday

Whether working or at home, most people hit the dreaded afternoon slump around 3pm.

A study of more than 90,000 people recently found that working out in the afternoon reduces the risk of heart disease or early death more than physical activity in either the morning or afternoon.

The benefits of afternoon exercise for longevity were most pronounced for men and the elderly.

“Morning workouts may not be ideal for shift workers, or those working late or staying up later in the evening,” says Gende.

“In that case, it may be more prudent to allow more sleep in the morning and perform a mid-day workout or early afternoon workout before your next evening shift or late night.”

According to a OnePoll survey, the most effective activity for people during an afternoon workout is getting up and going for a walk, which is a great way to perk up both your mind and body.

Find your right time

So, what is the best time to exercise?

For those who just say I don’t have any time available, there’s always time.

“I suggest scheduling a ‘snack competing’ activity,” says Erickson.

“This can be a good excuse to flip the script, and for people who know they may choose to sit on the couch and snack in the evenings.

“They can use that time to grab a workout of some kind instead.

“This can lead to a big swing in people’s fitness as they consume less calories by avoiding the typical snacking time and burn more calories by the workout.”

There are even benefits to splitting up a workout into short 10-minute mini-sessions throughout the day if you don’t have time to get a full 60-minute session in.

ALSO READAlways busy? Try stacking short workouts throughout your day

One thing is clear; even though science may seem contradictory, the importance of regular physical activity cannot be overstated.

“Ultimately, the best time to exercise is the time that fits into your schedule and aligns with your energy levels and preferences,” says Dr Jagim.

“Consistency and adherence to a regular exercise routine are key, and far more important, regardless of the time of day you choose to work out.

“Any time of day is better than no exercise in reducing the risk of death from any cause, including from heart disease and cancer specifically.

“Experimentation and self-awareness are essential in determining the ideal timing toward optimising exercise performance, recovery and overall well-being.” – By Rick Thiesse/Mayo Clinic News Network/Tribune News Service

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Any regular exercise helps maintain the brain

Exercising even once a month at any time during middle age helps preserve brain function in older age; although the best results are gained by those who consistently exercise five or more times a month throughout their adulthood. — Filepic

Any regular leisure-time physical activity at any age is linked to better brain function in later life, suggests a study published online in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

The findings also suggested that maintaining an exercise routine throughout adulthood seems to be best for preserving mental acuity and memory.

Even though factoring in childhood cognitive ability, household income and education weakened the observed associations, the findings remained statistically significant.

Physical activity is modestly associated with a lower risk of dementia, cognitive decline and loss of later life mental acuity. 

But it’s not known whether the timing, frequency or maintenance of leisure-time physical activity across the life course might be key to later life cognitive abilities.

The researchers were particularly keen to know if physical activity might be most beneficial in specific “sensitive” periods across the life course, or across multiple time periods.

To try and find out, they looked at the strength of associations between a range of cognitive tests at age 69 and reported leisure-time physical activity at the ages of 36, 43, 53, 60-64, and 69 in 1,417 people (53% women) taking part in the 1946 British birth cohort study. 

Physical activity levels were categorised as: inactive; moderately active (one to four times per month); most active (five or more times per month).

These levels were added together across all five age assessments to create a total score ranging from zero (inactive at all ages) to five (active at all ages).

Some 11% of participants were physically inactive at all five time points, 17% were active at one, 20% were active at two and three, 17% were active at four, and 15% at all five.

Cognitive performance at age 69 was assessed using the validated ACE-111, which tests attention and orientation, verbal fluency, memory, language, and visuospatial function.

The 69-year-olds were also given tests of verbal memory (word learning test) and processing speed (visual search speed).

Factors associated with a heightened risk of cognitive decline – cardiovascular (heart) and mental health, and carriage of the APOE-4 gene – were also assessed to see if these modified any observed associations.

Analysis of the results showed that being physically active at all five time points was associated with higher cognitive performance, verbal memory and processing speed at the age of 69.

The effect sizes were similar across all adult ages and for those who were moderately and most physically active, “suggesting that being physically active at any time in adulthood, even if participating as little as once per month, is linked with higher cognition,” write the researchers.

But the strongest association was observed for sustained cumulative physical activity and later life cognition, and for those who were most physically active at all ages.

The positive association between cumulative physical activity and later life cognitive performance was partly explained by childhood cognition, socioeconomic position and education.

But the effect remained significant when these were factored in, and the associations weren’t explained by differences in later life cardiovascular or mental health.

“Together, these results suggest that the initiation and maintenance of physical activity across adulthood may be more important than the timing... or the frequency of physical activity at a specific period,” say the researchers.

This is an observational study, and as such, can’t establish cause, and the researchers acknowledge various limitations to their findings.

The study included only White participants and had a disproportionately high attrition rate among those who were socially disadvantaged.

No information was available on exercise intensity, duration or adherence either.

But the researchers nevertheless conclude: “Our findings support guidelines to recommend participation in any physical activity across adulthood and provide evidence that encouraging inactive adults to be more active at any time and encouraging already active adults to maintain activity, could confer benefits on later life cognition.”


Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Vitamin a day for your brain: Multivitamin supplements may improve memory and slow cognitive aging in older people

Researchers find evidence that daily multivitamin supplements improve memory and slow cognitive aging in older adults

A daily multivitamin supplement may not only improve memory, but also delay cognitive aging in older people, according to a vast study involving over 5,000 American adults, 500 of whom were monitored physically for two years. These findings could make it possible to preserve the brain health of older people at lower cost.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that over 55 million people have dementia worldwide, with Alzheimer’s disease accounting for 60 per cent to 70 per cent of cases.

According to the organisation’s estimates, with an aging population, this figure is set to rise exponentially in the coming years, reaching 152 million people by 2050.

This public health problem has a cost — estimated to be more than US$818 billion (RM3.8 trillion) annually in 2017 — and which could more than double by 2030.

This also weighs heavily on carers, the people who support loved ones with disabilities or loss of independence. This gives researchers all the more reason to focus on finding sustainable solutions for preserving the cognitive functions of older people.

This is the aim of the Cocoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (Cosmos), a large-scale study conducted in the USA (21,442 participants aged 60 and over) to determine the impact of different types of dietary supplements on cardiovascular health, cancer and other diseases.

For this latest instalment, researchers at Mass General Brigham focused more specifically on the effectiveness (or otherwise) of taking one multivitamin supplement per day, compared to a placebo, on memory and overall cognition. They followed 573 participants in person for two years, and also evaluated the results of a combined analysis of three different studies.

“Cognitive decline is among the top health concerns for most older adults, and a daily supplement of multivitamins has the potential as an appealing and accessible approach to slow cognitive aging,” said the study’s first author, Chirag Vyas, quoted in a news release.

Slowing global cognitive aging by around two years 

Published in  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the research was conducted in two phases. The clinical study first showed “a modest benefit” for daily multivitamin intake, compared to the placebo, on global cognition over the two years of follow-up, but “a statistically significant benefit” on episodic memory.

But it was the meta-analysis that highlighted “strong evidence of benefits for both global cognition and episodic memory.” All this led the researchers to suggest that taking a multivitamin every day was effective in slowing overall cognitive aging by the equivalent of around two years, again compared to taking a placebo. 

“The meta-analysis of three separate cognition studies provides strong and consistent evidence that taking a daily multivitamin, containing more than 20 essential micronutrients, helps prevent memory loss and slow down cognitive aging,” explains Chirag Vyas. 

Senior author, Olivia Okereke, concludes: “These findings will garner attention among many older adults who are, understandably, very interested in ways to preserve brain health, as they provide evidence for the role of a daily multivitamin in supporting better cognitive aging.”

A previous COSMOS study looked at the benefits of cocoa flavanols on cognitive function. Researchers then reported that taking a daily supplement of cocoa extracts had no benefit on cognitive function, except in people with a poor-quality diet. — ETX Studio

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Friday, May 19, 2023

Overwhelmed with everything around you? There's no shame in seeking help

 A good warning sign to seek help is when one feels too overwhelmed with negative emotions and hopelessness as well as helplessness.

Depression: How a growth mindset and good social support can...

Depression takes a hefty physical, emotional and mental toll on its patients. —


"I AM so depressed; the store does not have my dress size."

"So depressing, I missed the first part of the show.”

We often hear statements where the term "depression" is used loosely, almost callously. Many assume it is synonymous with feeling sad.

But sadness is an emotion everyone experiences after a stressful life event, which is followed by the ability to get on with their lives. Depression, on the other hand, is a common mood disorder. People suffering from depression often experience persistent sadness and loss of interest which impair their daily functional ability.

In a depressed person, certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters become imbalanced. These neurotransmitters are responsible for stabilising our mood, helping us focus and get proper sleep, among others.

Globally, 3.8% of the population suffer from depression, according to a 2023 estimation by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Invisible pain

Y, a middle-aged businessman, had lost everything in a bad business deal. Gradually, his wealthy friends vanished from his life.

His mood was low most of the time, he isolated himself, lost his appetite as well as weight, and hardly slept. He lost confidence and was not motivated to get back on his feet.

It was only when he started expressing death wishes that his family brought him to seek treatment. With medication, psychotherapy (talk therapy) and good family support, he bounced back, started a new business and succeeded.

A person suffering from depression has low mood most of the days, for at least two weeks. This may be accompanied by feeling tired all the time, loss of interest in the activities they used to enjoy, loss of appetite and weight (some may overeat and gain weight).

In addition, one may suffer poor quality or excessive sleep, isolate themselves from their loved ones, lose interest in sexual activities, suffer from low self-confidence and feel unworthy.

Other common symptoms are loss of hope, loss of focus and concentration, memory impairment as well as having body aches and pains.

Worst-case scenario

The fatal consequence of depression is suicide. If a depressed person expresses suicidal ideation or intent, do not ignore this plea for help.

Do not wait till your loved one expresses death wishes to seek medical treatment. It might be too late. Depression is a treatable condition and suicide can be prevented if early action is taken. Being depressed is not a sign of weakness. There is nothing to be ashamed about being depressed.

Depression can occur as a result of any overwhelming life events, for example, after delivery of a baby or post retirement. Many who are diagnosed with chronic medical illness suffer from depression as well.

The risk of developing depression is higher if one has a family history of depression, poor coping skills, or poor family or social support. Depression is also common among the elderly, especially those who live alone.

As depression can make one forgetful, families often think they are suffering from dementia. Young children can suffer from depression too.

Dr Gayathri says adherence to treatment protocol is imperative for recovery. — IHH Healthcare 

Dr Gayathri says adherence to treatment protocol is imperative for recovery. — IHH Healthcare

Tailored plan

A psychiatrist or psychologist will assess the symptoms and tailor a management plan depending on the severity of the symptoms; mild, moderate or severe.

This management plan is holistic and will incorporate emotional, physical, cognitive, social as well as spiritual aspect of the patient’s life. One can lead a normal life if one adheres to the treatment protocol.

Sometimes talk therapy and having the person do the homework and exercises planned with the psychiatrist or psychologist is enough to manage depression. A psychiatrist may also suggest adding antidepressants, depending on the severity of the depression.

Contrary to popular belief, antidepressants are not addictive. One may not necessarily need long-term antidepressant treatment, except in more complex situations.

A glitch in the management of depression is that many become non-adherent the moment they start feeling better.

There is a duration that one must adhere to in order to complete the course of treatment as the neurotransmitter levels may not have stabilised, even though one has started to feel better.

Some patients look up their symptoms online and come up with self-diagnosis. This is not advisable.

If you are looking for information on depression, or any health condition for that matter, check out only credible websites or you may end up being misinformed.

To help look out for your loved ones suffering from depression, do not downplay their symptoms nor tell them to snap out of it.

Support them. Make sure they get help as soon as possible. The earlier the treatment, the better the outcome.

Stigma towards mental illness is terribly outdated yet many are still clinging to this notion. There is no need to suffer in silence. Seek professional help. Do not risk your health and happiness at the expense of other people’s perception of you.

By Dr Gayathri K. Kumarasuriar is a consultant psychiatrist at a private hospital in Melaka.

Those suffering from mental health issues or contemplating suicide can reach out to the Mental Health Psychosocial Support Service (03-2935 9935 or 014-322 3392); Talian Kasih (15999 or 019-261 5999 on WhatsApp); Jakim’s Family, Social and Community care centre (011-1959 8214 on WhatsApp); and Befrienders Kuala Lumpur (03-7627 2929, go to malaysia for a full list of numbers and operating hours, or email

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Saturday, May 6, 2023

Self-confidence after middle age is not in the "brain" but in the "feet'


Tell everyone: Self-confidence after middle age is not in the "brain" but in the "feet".

"Legs Feet"

Issues that the elderly must pay attention to: 

1. As we get older, our feet and legs must always remain strong.

2. When we get old, we shouldn't worry about our hair turning gray or our skin sagging or wrinkled.

3. Among the signs of "longevity," strong leg muscles are listed as the most important and fundamental muscles, as outlined in the American Journal of Prevention.

4. If you do not move your legs for two weeks, your leg strength will decrease for 10 years.

5. A study by the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that, regardless of age, within two weeks of "inactivity", the strength of leg muscles will be weakened by one-third, which is equivalent to aging for 20 to 30 years.

6. As our leg muscles weaken, it will take a long time to recover even as we rehab and exercise.

7. Therefore, regular exercise (such as walking) is very important.

8. The weight (load) of the entire body remains on the legs.

9. The foot is a kind of "pillar" that bears the weight of the human body. Interestingly, 50% of a person's body weight is in the bones, and 50% of the bones are in the two legs.

10. The largest and strongest joints and bones in the human body are also in the legs.

11. The "iron triangle" formed by strong bones, strong muscles and flexible joints carries the most important load on the human body.

12. 70% of human activities and energy burning in life are completed by two feet.

13. Did you know? When a man is young, his thighs are strong enough to lift a small car!

14. "Legs and feet" are the center of body movement.

15. The two legs have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood flowing through them.

16. This is the large circulatory network that connects the body.

17. When the feet and legs are healthy, the regular blood flow goes on smoothly, so people with muscular legs will definitely have a "strong heart".

18. The "aging" of the human body starts from the feet first, and then develops upwards.

19. As we grow older, the accuracy and speed of the transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decrease, which is completely different from that of young people.

20. With the passage of time, the calcium of bones will be lost sooner or later, making the elderly more prone to fractures.

21. After the bone fracture of the elderly, it is easy to cause a series of complications, especially fatal diseases, such as cerebral thrombosis.

22. Did you know that 15% of the elderly will die within a year once their thigh is broken!

23. It's never too late to exercise your legs, even after 60 or older.

24. Although our feet and legs will bi gradually age over time, exercising our feet and legs is a lifelong task. . 🤷🏻‍♂. 🧠👂👁️..🥂 


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