Facebook is mulling over letting children below the age of 13 join
its network, but with so many signed up already, what difference would
it make?
minimum age should be 21. This argument
mooted by
CNN blogger John D. Sutter will no doubt get the support of
many parents who worry about safety and privacy issues on the social
media network. That is, those parents who have not secretly signed up,
or helped to sign up, their children on Facebook.
Facebook (FB)
already has an age limit 13 years old but the reality is that many
“underaged” children already have their own profiles on the site,
parents' consent notwithstanding.
In fact, it is estimated that
some 7.5 million children below the age of 13 are currently on FB, out
of its total 900 million plus users worldwide.
This shows that
the minimum age requirement on FB is just a number. Facebook does
little, if anything, to enforce it, and one can simply lie about their
birth date to circumvent the rule.
So why the charade?
As suggested by the
Wall Street Journal,
which first broke the news of the social media giant's plans to open up
to tweens and even younger kids, Facebook was feeling the heat from the
American authorities in relation to the
Children's Online Privacy
Protection Act (COPPA).
The Act stipulates that online services
catering to children below 13 would need to obtain the consent of their
parents before collecting data from them. COPPA also requires that
parents be given the ability to review, revise and delete their
children's data.
Hence, with the number of pre-teen children
registering on the site growing by day, Facebook knows it can no longer
turn a blind eye to its minefield. Coming clean is perhaps its only
option in defending itself from any potential legal action.
As it
acknowledged in a statement: “Enforcing age restriction on the Internet
is a difficult issue, especially when many reports have shown that
parents want their children to access online content and services.”
founder Mark Zuckerberg himself had earlier said he would like to see kids under 13 use FB “more honestly and in compliance with the law”.
philosophy is that for education you need to start at a really, really
young age... Because of the restrictions, we haven't even begun this
learning process... If they're lifted then we'd start to learn what
works. We'd take a lot of precautions to make sure that they (younger
kids) are safe...,” he was quoted.
The conspiracy theorists of
course say freeing the shackles is one way for Facebook to recoup its
losses after a disappointing debut at the share market. Widening its
user base will certainly broaden its revenue-raising opportunities,
especially in the mobile apps and ad sector, and add to its market
Then there is the brand loyalty factor getting them young
is the best way to get users hooked for the future, and guard against
any possible defection to “cooler” social media networks to come.

Whatever the motive, the reality remains stark there is a high number of active FB tweens and they can no longer be ignored.
Choy: Many parents of children who are being bullied online feel they can’t do anything about it.
Time to Like
As he sees it, officially opening up to the under-13s can be a positive move, says CyberSecurity Malaysia
chief executive officer Lt Col (R)
Prof Datuk Husin Jazri.
“By officially allowing children to sign up, Facebook can keep tabs on how many Facebookers below 13 there are,” he opines.
Malaysia, for instance, it is no secret that many tweens have their own
FB accounts, with most having signed up either with the consent and
help from their parents, siblings or close relatives; or by “cheating”
Facebook, that is, changing their birth date to make the computer system
accept them as above 13.
It is not clear how many Malaysian
children are now online but with some 12.5 million Malaysian FB users
recorded this year, it is safe to say that there are many.
fact, global social media and digital analytics company Socialbakers
estimated that some 2.2% of Malaysian Facebookers were aged 13 and below
last August (around 248, 528). That is a rough estimate at best; with
our below-18 population totalling up to 11.2 million (approximately 2.87
million children are in primary school), it is difficult to pinpoint
how many FB minors are signed up on a fake age.
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
chairman Datuk Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi agrees that removing the token age restriction is perhaps the most effective way to protect our children on Facebook.
This will create openness among the tweens and their parents, says Sharil.
will not need to hide that they have FB accounts any more and would be
encouraged to share their online experiences with their parents. If they
do not bypass the protection measures (as kids nowadays are very IT
savvy), the children should get the age appropriate online protection
they need against the adult world' of Facebook,” he adds.
both agree that this will only be effective if Facebook fulfils its
commitment to introduce a new suite of tools for parents to keep their
children safe when they register a FB account and interact on the social
networking site.
Sharil, who is also vice-chairman of the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Council Working Group
on Child Online Protection (COP), a specialised organ of the
Nations based in
Geneva, Switzerland, reminds parents that children are
minors first and foremost.
“Children under 13 are typically in the primary school group and need extra supervision, guidance and care,” he stresses.
proposes that specific accounts for those below 13 be created with
suitable contents and safeguards to enable parents and guardians to
continually provide assistance as well as monitor the online activities
of these young Facebookers.
‘Children need guidance and supervision. Online tools and technologies
can never replace the care and guidance that parents can give’
for those below 13 should be categorised as a special account,
different from the adult Facebook accounts. They should introduce some
kind of system to ensure that the children obtain parental consent
before they get accepted to sign up, and whenever a child requests for
or accepts a new Facebook friend, parents should be alerted,” he adds.
Dangerous playground
Still, as many parents would be deigned to admit, no matter how vigilant you are, it is still a big bad Web out there.
can only guide and monitor their children, they cannot really change
the environment,” says a father-of-three who only wants to be known as
You will still need the help of the policy makers and
service providers, among others, to make the Internet, and specifically
Facebook, safe for children, he adds.
“No matter how well-trained or educated your children are, some places are just off limits, even if you go there with them.
read this one comment that I think captures it well will you let your
elementary school child attend a college or adult party?'. You won't,
right?” he poses, warning that some parents might be lulled by a false
sense of security for their children on Facebook if the new ruling is
Social media specialist Jasmin Choy agrees,
highlighting cyber-bullying as one danger for young children on FB. The
problem is intensified as many parents are not equipped to deal with it,
she says.
“Many parents of children who are being bullied online
feel they can't do anything about it. Then there are those who just
don't know what is happening to their kids in cyberspace, or those who
are not giving enough guidance to their kids and are becoming bullies
online,” she says.
Opposing the social media network's plans to
open up their membership for children under 13, the mother of two
relates a recent cyber-bullying case close to her heart.
happened to a friend's child who is sensitive and fragile. She was
already being subtly bullied online when the girls ganged up on her and
made her feel like she was stupid. The problem was, the mother didn't
know what to do about it. If she intervened, the daughter would be very
embarrassed. On the other hand, if the mum didn't intervene, these girls
would go on bullying her daughter.”
Another red flag for children, she warns, is online porn and sexual predators.
parents have no idea how much porn is being served up to the kids
online. They think they have some idea but are often shocked when they
discover how accessible porn is to their six- to13-year-olds.”
As Choy highlights, one only needs to go to some of the game apps on FB to receive porn advertisements.
pop up even on innocent-looking Facebook games. Besides, curious kids
are going to share images and if there's FB and Twitter they will see
it,” she says, advising parents to “prepare” their children by educating
them about the birds and the bees at an early age.
“We can't be prudish about it. They are going to see it anyway, so why not explain to them before trouble brews.”
The main danger she foresees, however, is the breach of privacy.
about all the times we chatted with a young kid on FB. We must have at
least mentioned the child's name, asked them how their day was... things
like that. We tend to forget the dangers when we are having fun online.
Bad people can easily glean information from the chats the adults have
with young kids on FB posts,” she says.
Choy also strongly
believes that pre-teens are particularly vulnerable because most do not
have the maturity to handle problems related to FB or be aware of the
“Even if they are aware of the dangers, they can't often
see the danger in front of them. Even adults don't react fast enough to
FB risks, what more children of that age,” she says.
Along with
the threat of paedophiles, there is also worry that young children will
be subjected to unscrupulous advertisers and marketers on Facebook, or
have their personal data sold to advertisers.
Not surprisingly,
Zuckerberg has already been lobbied by a coalition of consumer, privacy
and child advocacy groups to keep children's data confidential and the
site ad-free for the below-13s in the United States.
For bank officer Aslina, addiction is her big worry.
like adults, kids tend to spend way too much time on Facebook and can
get addicted to it. Instead of studying or socialising with friends and
playing games or sports, they will be logged on FB.”
cautions teacher Mary K, parents might not be able to withstand another
pressure should FB open its doors to pre-teens peer pressure.
“Now they will be pressured to join because all their friends are on it. It will be a difficult time for parents, “ she says.
Arshavin agrees.
asked my 16-year-old daughter why she is on FB, and she said it was to
watch what her friends are up to. But when I asked her to log off, she
just whined about what she would be missing,” he says.
Calling FB
a “different beast altogether”, Choy who is a proponent of the Internet
as a study tool vows to keep her children away from it as long as she
“I really believe all young kids should have access to the Internet. My six-year-old can
search for any information related to his hobbies or studies at any
time with the tablet. YouTube has given him access to various
documentaries he can watch and learn from. And why not? Technology and
the Internet have made learning exciting. It has allowed my children to
think out of the box. I just don't think they should have an FB account
at an early age,” she says.
If parents do decide to let the child
open a FB account, she adds, they would need to constantly talk to them
about the hazards and teach them good cyber habits.
over and over again why they should not reveal sensitive information
like their names, location of the moment and place of residence. And
check, check, check their FB settings,” she stresses.
And constantly but silently read their children's postings to check for trouble, she adds.
This is something Alina does diligently with her two pre-teen children who are registered on FB.
the beginning, I was worried that I was making the wrong decision to
let them get their own profiles on FB. But I read up on it and made sure
that I know what is in store for them. Then I went through all the
safety and security features available on FB with them before we
Most importantly, she adds, she always reminds them to be as cautious online as they would be in the real world.
agrees children should be taught as early as possible that rules and
regulations exist online just as they do offline, and that there are
dangerous areas online just as there are dangerous areas or things in
the real world.
It is parents' responsibility to cultivate
security awareness in their children and educate them on safe Internet
usage, says Husin.
“Parents must be alert of any unusual
activities of their children on the Net and take the appropriate action
to rectify if their child gets caught in any undesirable activities
Sharil, however, reiterates that parents are the best judge of whether their child is ready for Facebook themselves.
all goes back to the basic skills of parenting and instilling good
moral values in their children. Children need guidance and supervision.
Only parents can do this effectively. Teachers, NGOs and the broader
community can help but they can never replace the parent,” he notes.
Crucially, parents are at the frontlines of their children's defence, says Sharil.
should continue to monitor their children's online activities while
encouraging appropriate online behaviour. They should not totally depend
on Facebook's parenting' facilities. Online tools and technologies can
never replace the care and guidance that parents can give.”
he adds, it is extremely important for parents and guardians to become
good role models for their children when they are online.
By HARIATI AZIZAN sunday@thestar.com.my